Read All FAQ’s

  • What happens if I fail the road test ?

    If you fail the road test in Ontario, you'll receive feedback from the examiner on the areas you need to improve. You can schedule another test, but you'll need to wait a minimum of 10 days before retaking it. Each time you retake the test, you'll need to pay the applicable fee.

  • What documents do I need to bring for my driving lessons and road test ?

    In Canada, for driving lessons and a road test, you typically need to bring:

    1. 1. Valid ID: Bring government-issued identification, such as a passport or permanent resident card.
    2. 2. Provisional/learner's permit: If applicable, bring your learner's permit.
    3. 3. Proof of enrollment in a driving course: If required by your province or territory.
    4. 4. Proof of insurance: Provide proof of insurance for the vehicle you'll be using for the road test.
    5. 5. Vehicle registration: Bring the vehicle's registration documents
    6. 6. Safety inspection certificate: Some provinces may require a safety inspection certificate for the Check with your local licensing office for specific requirements in your province or territory.
  • How long is a driver's license valid for in Canada?

    In Canada, a driver's license is typically valid for 1 to 5 years, depending on the province or territory. Renewal is required upon expiration to maintain driving privileges

  • What are the procedures for individuals holding international driving licenses to acquire a G License in Canada?

    The procedures for individuals holding international driving licenses to acquire a G License in Canada vary by province. Generally, you may need to provide proof of your driving experience, pass a written test, and undergo a road test. It is advisable to contact the local licensing authority in the province where you reside for specific requirements and guidance tailored to your situation.

  • When can I Take my G2 test after passing the G1 test?

    You can take your G2 road test after holding your G1 license for a minimum of 12 months, provided you have completed an approved driver education course. Without driver education, you must wait 12 months if you are under 21, or 8 months if you are over 21. Additionally, you must pass the G2 road test to qualify for the G2 license.You can take your G2 road test after holding your G1 license for a minimum of 12 months, provided you have completed an approved driver education course. Without driver education, you must wait 12 months if you are under 21, or 8 months if you are over 21. Additionally, you must pass the G2 road test to qualify for the G2 license.

  • When can I Take my G test, after G2 test?

    You can take your G test after holding your G2 license for a minimum of 12 months. However, if you have completed a recognized driver education program, you may be eligible to take your G test after only 8 months of holding your G2 license. It's important to note that these time frames may vary depending on individual circumstances and any additional requirements set by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO).

  • Can I use my foreign driver's license in Canada?

    In Canada, you can use your foreign driver's license for a certain period after arriving in the province, as long as it's valid and in English or accompanied by an official English translation. The duration of validity varies depending on your country of origin and the specific licensing agreements in place. After this period, you may need to obtain an Ontario driver's license to legally drive in the province. The process for exchanging or obtaining an Ontario driver's license usually involves providing documentation, passing vision and knowledge tests, and possibly taking a road test. It's important to check with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation for the most up-to-date information and requirements.

  • Is it possible for individuals with disabilities to obtain a driver's license?

    Yes, individuals with disabilities can obtain a driver's license in Canada. The process may vary depending on the specific disability and the province or territory in which they reside. In many cases, individuals with disabilities may need to undergo a medical assessment to determine their ability to drive safely and may require certain accommodations or modifications to their vehicles. Additionally, there are specialized driving schools and instructors that cater to individuals with disabilities to provide training and support throughout the licensing process. It's important for individuals with disabilities to contact their local licensing authority or a disability service organization for guidance on obtaining a driver's license and any available accommodations.

  • Is it permissible for me to commence driving before reaching the age of 16 or before participating in my province's graduated licensing program?

    In Canada, you cannot legally start driving before reaching the minimum age requirement set by your province or territory's licensing authority, which is typically around 16 years old. Additionally, you cannot start driving before participating in and fulfilling the requirements of your province's graduated licensing program. This program is designed to ensure new drivers gain the necessary skills and experience in a controlled manner before obtaining a full driver's license. Engaging in driving before meeting these requirements is not permitted and can result in legal consequences. It's important to follow the regulations set by your province or territory regarding the minimum age for driving and the requirements of the graduated licensing program.

  • Do I need to pass a written test to obtain a driver's license in Canada?

    Yes, in Canada, you generally need to pass a written test, also known as the knowledge test or the written knowledge exam, as part of the process to obtain a driver's license. This test assesses your understanding of road signs, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Passing this test is typically a prerequisite for scheduling and taking the practical road test.

  • How can I request to cancel an in-car lesson?

    To ensure smooth scheduling and effective use of resources, we kindly request a minimum of 24-hour notice for any cancellations of in-car lessons. Failure to provide adequate notice will result in a cancellation fee equivalent to the cost of the scheduled driving lesson. Your cooperation in adhering to this policy is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Where will I get picked up for my in-car lessons?

    For students residing within our office city/town, our instructors provide convenient home pick-up and drop-off services. If you reside outside of our designated area, alternate arrangements will be necessary. Please contact our office to discuss available options for your location. We strive to accommodate all our students' needs to ensure a seamless and enjoyable learning experience.

  • What if I need more than 10 hours of in-car lessons?

    If you anticipate requiring more than ten lessons, please inform us in advance. You must contact the school directly to arrange for any additional lessons. We may offer a cost-saving opportunity through the purchase of additional lessons upfront. Your satisfaction and progress are our priorities, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet your individual requirements effectively.

  • How can I schedule an appointment for a road test?

    You can book your test on (watch our video on how to do it). If your package includes the use of a car for the road test, your instructor can also assist in booking the test for you

  • Is it possible to begin the course without my G1?

    While you are permitted to begin the course without your G1, it is a prerequisite to have your G1 before commencing your driving lessons.

  • Is it necessary to complete the theory course before I start my in-car training?

    You don't have to finish the in-class or online course before starting in-car training. You can do both at the same time for quicker completion. You can start your in-car lessons before or after finishing the theory course, as per your preference!

  • How long can I wait before I have to start my driving lessons?

    Once you have a G1 license, you can begin your in-car training whenever you feel prepared! The timing is flexible and up to you. However, keep in mind that the MTO gives you one year to complete both the in-car and in-class portions of the course for certification eligibility.